Paranormal Shadows UK Apps

MurMur Box 1.1
MurMur Box uses banks of reversed murmuredvoices.For best results use external speaker & record session onexternal recording device..V5 Pentagram orientation Symbol removed.Proximity alarm disabled.Sweep rate now from 50 to 1050Ms.This app is part of the Project Unity Build.
SpiriTron 1.2
SpiriTron ITC app
A collaboration project by PSI &AppyDroidDevelopment, Bringing you a Live IP Based spirit boxradio, WithNoise Emulator. Based on the Legendary AppyDroid spiritbox,New mixed nation Ip channels.Data/Internet connection required to use this app.Record youe session on external recording device suchasdicta-phone/phone or tablet then review for intelligent repliestoquestions asked.Coding & UI by Appydroid
Portal Plus 1.9
Portal Plus experimental ITC tool, sweeps Banked audio & LiveIP stations
The Portal 1.6
The Portal app Experimental ITC Tool. Please read app openingmessage carefully.
Divination Box 1.0
Divination Box experimental ITC tool usesbanksof reversed whispers & speech with sweep rate of 50Msto1000Ms.Arrow works on device orientation, if device is placed on aflatsurface to see if this can be manipulated.App is for android phones & some tablet users mayexperiencealignment issues.This app is part of Project Unity.
Matrix ITC Spirit Box 1.3
Matrix spirit box sweeps live IP stations with option to sweep 4reversed speech banks at the same time. Features Sweep rate 500 Msto 3000 Ms on audio banks. Random volume sweep across the 4 audiobanks at set sweep rate. 4 channel audio bank thumb sliders formanual setup. 5 random IP station sweep from a list of shoutcaststations. Internet connection required to use IP sweep feature.Record your sessions using an external device for best results& review your recordings for intelligent replies to questionsasked. Android devices running KitKat & above may suffer slowerIP connection issues. If device screen timeout is less than 60seconds change this setting before running the app as it can causeIP connection issues. App developed on from base code supplied fromUnity Project by Appydroid.
Vortex ITC 0
Experimental IP spirit box sweeps between500ms- 800ms randomly selecting a live audio stream from IP listwithinthe app.Internet/data connection required to use this app.Please allow the buffering message to close before makinganychanges to your device, doing so may cause app to crash.Slider adds white/pink & brown static noise to emulateaphysical ghost/spirit box sweep pattern.All apps are experimental ITC tools.Record a brief session on an external recorder & reviewforintelligent replies to questions asked.Huge thanks to Appydroid again for providing the background codebesure to check out his work in ITC.Paranormal Shadow Investigations:
Spiricom Frequency Blender 1.1
Spiricom Frequency Blender - Experimental ITC Tool
SCIENTIA ITC spirit application for ITC research &communication.
Raven-X 1.3
Experimental allophone only ITC Spirit Box application.
Banshee 1.7
Banshee app - Companion app to the Banshee Box - IP sweep &bank phonetics
Solomon 2.1
Solomon - Single File/Banked & IP sweep spirit box app
SCIENTIA ITC spirit application for ITC research&communication.
Supernal Spirit Box 1.8
Supernal Spirit Box is an experimental ITC app that uses liveIPstations.